Step 1. Follow this step if you have already signed up. Log into the JobsPikr application (using this will be redirected to the dashboard which will look as shown in the image below:

Click on Search>New in the highlighted area. You will be redirected to the Search section.

Step 2. Follow this step if you are signing up for the first time. Sign up on the web application (sign up URL: After signing up you will be redirected to the Search section ( The search section is shown in the image below:

Step 3. Click on “Show more” to open the complete search menu. Enter the details as per your requirement to prepare a search query. After this click on “Search” to fetch records.

The search menu is highlighted in the image below:

For adding more search filters, click on ADD MORE SEARCH PARAMETERS from the search menu. This will open a dropdown with more filter options as shown below.

Step 4. After putting all the filters and search keywords, Click on Search.