JobsPikr allows users to save their search queries on the dashboard. This provides flexibility to access the saved search query while integrating with their solutions or setting up a scheduled export of data to remote storage.

Step 1. In the Search section (, select the "Save" button after setting up filters and preparing the search query.

"Save" button is highlighted in the image below:

Step 2. After that, a query name has to be provided in order to identify the queries later while searching, or exporting data.

An input box will pop up for putting the query name as shown in the image below.

The updated query will be updated on the search menu as highlighted in the image below:

Step 3.  To access the saved search query, go to "Saved Searches" under the "Search" section on the left-side navigation panel. (Accessed Saved Searched using this link:

The saved search query is shown in the image below: